If you see the error message "CSV structure issue - Your file seems to be structured incorrectly. Please check it matches the required structure" this is because the file you have selected for upload, is not in the required structure. You'll need to check your file, then try again.

  • Check you have only two columns, tracking numbers in the first column and SKUs in the second column. For example “0904298424000020”,”107799000”
  • You can use Excel, Google Sheets (or any similar spreadsheet tool) to prepare your file and save it as a .csv). If you do use this method, check there are no additional headings or columns 

If you see the error message "Upload limit exceeded - Your file has more than 500 rows. Please reduce the number of rows and try again" you need to:

  1. Go back to your file
  2. Reduce the number of rows to less than 500. You can use Excel, Google Sheets (or any similar spreadsheet tool) to reduce the number of rows for you.
  3. Select Save, then
  4. Upload the file again

If you see the error message "Sorry, something went wrong - There was an issue with the upload. Please try again" this could mean that there's a connectivity issue if this happens we're very sorry, but please check that you are online and do try again.

If you didn't receive an email confirmation email, this means your email notifications are not switched on. Go to Users and follow the steps to edit your user profile to switch on email notifications.