Welcome to WMS 2, an internet-based platform that’s an upgrade of WMS 1. Over the years, WMS 1 had limitations with replication, system issues and updates which caused major problems for many users. However, with this new and improved system, all previous issues have been resolved, resulting in a more efficient and user-focused platform.

Key features and improvements

  • New scanners: You can now log on from a handheld device, no longer requiring a computer
  • Improved auditing: Scheduling and running reports from audits is now easier and more streamlined
  • Pre-advise system: A new, smoother and more user-friendly system

In addition to these key features, there are some new additions:

  • 2D label: A new label that allows for more information to be stored, improving the identification of parts
  • Material in review (M.I.R.) system: A brand new system for removing items from the mainstream until they can be sorted
  • Device authorisation: Users can log on from any authorised device to pick an order

Let’s get started!

Sign in

To sign in navigate to https://secure.thinventory.com/Warehouse/ and use your Thinventory user name and password .

Navigating the home page

After you log in you will see a list of tasks for your review and a number of features. This will differ depending on the device you use.

WMS 2 features



Outstanding Preadvices
Here you'll find out about the stock that's on it's way to you in the warehouse or forward stock location (FSL) that you will need to receive and put away when it arrives
Outstanding Deliveries

'Outstanding deliveries' refers to stock that has been booked in, but not put away

Receive New Delivery
This refers to deliveries that you were not expecting, deliveries you don’t have a pre-advice for

Inventory Management

Move Stock
Move stock from one location to another
Stock List
View all the stock in your warehouse or FSL
Material In Review
''Material in review' helps us maintain the quality and accuracy of the stock stored in the warehouse or FSL
Flag Items for Review
Use the scanner to flag items that need to be reviewed. For example, if items are found damaged or missing during the picking process
Stock Check
Check the stock in your warehouse or FSL
Search for specific items in your warehouse or FSL


Outstanding Sales Orders



Select Warehouse

View and select different warehouse and FSL locations

Manage Warehouse Locations

Search locations

Print Warehouse Locations

Print location labels

Set Printing Preferences
Set printing preferences for labels

Tick a box if you would like to:

  • Log Activity to Browser Console
  • Use Mobile UI where available
  • Show Language Localisation Keys



Migrate Data from an External System

Migrate warehouse management data from an external system

Scan History

View your scan history

Stock Corrections

View stock selection and changes