The Stock Overview page shows you details of all the items and active order information for all your Inventory doors. You can use this page to get a quick view of what's happening in your Inventory doors. 

View your Stock Overview

You can view the stock found in your inventory locations and doors. If you have a lot of sites, you can search for a specific door or scroll to the door you want to view.

To view stock in a door:

  1. Select Inventory > Stock Overviews.
  2. Search or scroll to find the Location you want to view.
    Note: The SKU count is the total number of SKUs assigned to any door at the Location. You can have multiple SKUs across multiple doors reflected in this number.
  3. For more detailed Location information, select the blue arrow beside the Location.
    A list of details appears. 




    Displays the SKU name.

    SKU Description

    Displays the description of the SKU.

    Quantity in Stock

    Displays the number of items in total.

    Items with Orders

    Displays the number of items allocated to orders.

    Available Stock

    Displays the number of items available to order.

  4. Expand the SKU to see more details.
    The package list appears.
  5. Review the tabs for the SKU.




Displays all the items in the Location assigned to the SKU. Expand to see the SKU Description field.


Displays the total quantity of the remaining SKUs that are assigned to an inventory order in that Location.

For sub clients: The number indicates the total number of Inventory SKUs for this Location in Konnect HQ. You only see those orders that are relevant to you. A message appears to help explain: 


Displays issues with your stock that require action.

Export stock in a Location

You can export a list of all the stock in a specific location to review outside of Konnect HQ.

 To export a list of stock: 

  1. Go to Inventory > Stock Overviews.
  2. Select the appropriate location.
  3. Select Export All.

A .csv file downloads with the following details:

 Note: All fields relate only to information at a chosen Location. To view stock from multiple Locations, export stock lists from each Location.




Displays the SKU name

(Optional) SKU Identifier

If applicable, displays the unique identifier for the SKU.

SKU Description

Displays the description of the SKU.


Displays the name of the Location.

Door Name

Displays the name of the door.

Note: If a SKU is in multiple doors, the names of doors are listed in this cell, separated by a comma. The stock in the door is listed in brackets.


SKU 123-56 is found in Door1 (1), Door2 (2), Door3 (1).

Items with Orders

Displays the number of items that are already assigned to orders.

In Stock

Displays the total number of items in stock.


Displays the total number of items available for use.

Note: This number appears negative if an order exists but there is no stock.

Tracking Numbers

Displays the tracking number(s) of all the relevant items in stock.

Note: Only records that include tracking numbers appear.